Friday, October 30, 2015

21st Century

With the change of time, we too need to change accordingly. The learners of today are known as digital learners. The way they learn and their needs are rapidly changing. So we the teachers too need to update ourselves according to the pace of the development. The strategies used in the past are of no use. We were fed with information and tested our memorization power only. But today it’s a learners’ center. Teaching and learning is cooperatively done. The teachers are not only the source of knowledge like in the past.  They can get information on their own using the ICT knowledge. We teachers just act as guidance.
The teaching and learning today is more focus on the development of 21st Century skills like creativity, critical thinking, communication, media literacy, problem solving and so. These skills provide appropriate life skills to the learners to lead and cope up with the day today life. To make learners learn skills, we too need to impose the skills in ourselves. So I will try my best to update all the 21st century skills by any means. Actually I chose this ICT module purposely to learn basic 21st century skills that which have become must in today’s world.

I regret not as I learnt a lot in the process of the course. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Your Opinion My Learning!: Blogging and Wiki These are the sites where we g...

Your Opinion My Learning!: Blogging and Wiki 

These are the sites where we g...
: Blogging and Wiki  These are the sites where we get connected to each other to share what we know and pass on comments for further improve...
Blogging and Wiki 

These are the sites where we get connected to each other to share what we know and pass on comments for further improvement. I did learn about creating a blog in the training provided by the Chinphen Rigphel but was soon forgotten. I heard and seen people using the blog but never heard about about the wiki. So after having joined in ICT class, I got chance to explore more on these topic.
I learnt that to create blog we need to have a g mail account. After creating the blog we can share any kind of documents and it will be accessible to the people of every corner in the world. I feel this is the best way to learn from each other. We wrote the reflections and shared in the blogs. I learnt from the writings of my friends but a few only I could comment on their writings.
I published my blog to public but I doubt whether everyone can view or not as I got a few comments only. I am trying to share my blog on face book but still I could not do. But I will learn and make sure to share my blog on face book so that every one can visit and pass comments so that I can improve accordingly.
To be frank I am not very confident to use wiki though I know that it is the site where we can share information and edit each other's work. One thing I could not go to wiki site thorough g mail account. I can go to wiki site only through the website which our tutor has given on VLE. I discussed and inquired some friends regarding this matter. But still I am in doubt. So I am still looking forward to learn more on wiki and will continue using the blog.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Microsoft Activities

To do Microsoft activity was quite challenging. At first glance I took so light thinking that it can be done easily but I was wrong. In the process of doing this activity, I have to undergo so many difficulties to do exactly as per the instruction given. Sometimes I need to do the same activity again and again till I get the accurate one for an example the shape. To make the circle shape, I had inserted the circle shape and made the copies. But my shape didn’t look like the shape as it was suppose to make. I tried for many times by using different techniques spending hours. After a lot of trials I could do it. Likewise I did the same with other activities.

The second and the third activities taught me regarding the Microsoft words like changing the font size, color, paragraphing and many more. It was quite interesting to do. To complete the paragraphing activity, I had to inquire some of the friends and also I had to browse the net. Though I have suffered but I am satisfied as I can use the learnt skills without any problem in future.

In the process of designing the award certificate, designing the first page of the newsletter and designing the birthday invitation taught me to insert shapes, pictures, words and many more to come up with beautiful and useful end products which can be used. I had an idea to use Microsoft word to design posters as we had designed the flyer for ECCD module. Actually I learnt this idea from online on you tube. Again I was fortunate to have this opportunity to explore more on what I had learnt already. My learning was very impressive it still continued. The more I do the more I learnt. Now I am very much confident in carrying out this activity.

I being the literary coordinator, it benefited me in designing the cover page for the school magazine. Without having done this assignment, I may not have learnt all these skills.

Monday, October 19, 2015

The use of Camtasia software to produce the tutorial clip

The word camtasia is well known when we were in first year. We were given an assignment to produce rhyme on it. That time I didn’t feel comfortable to use it, instead I had used the movie maker which serves the same purpose. I didn’t understand why we were instructed to use this software.

Again the opportunity was given to use the camtasia software. I installed and tried editing the movies. I found no problems as the accessories are all same like the movie maker. To produce and edit one own clip is easy to do but to compile the clips from different places is bit tough as one of my friends had pointed out. Different members used different media to record clips that which made difficult to download. And sometimes the made  clip wont be able to import to edit. So it is needed to convert. In this manner we tend to learn multiple skills not only the edition of movie.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Ten Educational Web sites

This task was suppose to do during residential school. But luckily due date got postponed. To start off, I was confused with website and URL. I couldn't understand what website is. Some friends say that the link in the address bar is a website and some say that website means the site having .com at the end. To get the correct meaning, I inquired many friends and even asked sir for the clarification. Is it right or wrong, I understood that website means when we get into the page, it has many options like we do have in education website. I directly looked for a set of educational websites. After having the list of websites, I made a visit to all websites one by one. I found it's not an easy task. I have to judge its contents, see its relevancy to the learners, and critically analyse myself whether this website will be helpful to learners or not in their learning.
In the process, I have learnt a lot in identifying the useful educational websites. And also I have learnt many helpful websites that which I can use for my daily teaching and learning lessons.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Regarding the use of apps on google

- I know how to store documents, pictures and videos on drive. But I never knew that we can use Microsoft words, prepare Power point and spread sheet in our g mail account.
I used Microsoft word to maintain dairy and power point to prepare presentation and saved in google drive. I found very handy and easily our work is done at any time and any where without carrying drives or laptops by using our own mobiles.

- To prepare survey questions and to get responses online is very new to me. At first I didn't have any idea to prepare questions as we were instructed to prepare different type of questions. As I go on preparing the questions, we friends discussed and under the guidance of sir, I got on track. After having read Sir's feed backs, I still have problem in a few areas. To over come this problem, I will try my best to work hard on it.

- As per the instruction I have created the blog and wiki. Blog is bit familiar to me but the wiki is very new to me. I could find the page to go to wiki page. To go there I need to go to the site given by sir. Still I have problem.